
发布时间:2019-11-10文章来源: 浏览次数:


题目: Digitalizing Trust for Securing Pervasive Social Networking with Privacy Preservation

时间: 20191111日(星期一)上午10:00-11:00

地点: 广州大学行政西楼前座四楼428会议室

报告人:闫峥 教授,西安电子科技大学(Xidian University



Pervasive Social Networking (PSN) offers instant social networking services at anytime and anywhere. It features in network adaptability, communication ubiquity and service intelligence. While security and privacy protection impact its development and final success, trust plays a decisive role in PSN. In this talk, we will discuss how to digitalize trust for securing PSN with privacy preservation by considering its specific characteristics and the role of trust in social communications. My talk is to present some of the research results of our project TruSoNet and will mainly focus on solving two research problems: the adaptability of social data access control and the anonymity of authentication. Concretely, we designed and implemented schemes for data protection and access control based on multi-dimensional trust levels and anonymous authentication on trust through certificateless authentication and aggregate signature verification for any number of authorized trust-issuing parties. Finally, the talk will be concluded with open research issues and future research directions.



Zheng Yan, is a professor in the School of Cyber Engineering, Xidian University, China and a visiting professor and Finnish Academy research fellow at the Aalto University, Finland. She received the DSc in Technology from the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. Before joining academia in 2011, she was a senior researcher at the Nokia Research Center, Helsinki, Finland, since 2000. Her research interests are in trust, security, privacy, and security-related data analytics. She is an inventor of 24 patents and 45 PCT patents, all of them having been adopted in industry. She is an area editor of Information Fusion, an associate editor of IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Information Sciences, and JNCA, etc. She served as a general chair or program chair for numerous international conferences. She is a founding steering committee co-chair of IEEE Blockchain conference. She recently received several awards, including the 2017 Best Journal Paper Award issued by IEEE Communication Society Technical Committee on Big Data, the best paper award of SpaCCS2019, and the Outstanding Associate Editor of 2017/2018 for IEEE Access.

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